innovative Archives - iSeller Blog

iSeller x Goola Talkshow: Bisnis F&B Siap Menghadapi Industry 4.0

Dunia perindustrian di Indonesia sekarang sudah mulai memasuki Revolusi Industri ke 4 atau Industry 4.0. Revolusi industri ke 4 ini sendiri mengedepankan automasi sistem bisnis menggunakan internet untuk menciptakan sebuah sistem digital. Di era Industry 4.0 ini, alur pertukaran data, komunikasi digital dan automasi sistem bisnis menjadi poin utama dalam menjalankan bisnis. Sistem manual sekarangContinue reading “iSeller x Goola Talkshow: Bisnis F&B Siap Menghadapi Industry 4.0”

Top Features in 2019 Q3

Tidak pernah berhenti berkembang. Itulah kunci kesuksesan dalam bisnis. Dalam perkembangannya, iSeller-pun tidak akan berhenti meluncurkan berbagai fitur-fitur baru yang pasti akan membantu bisnis kamu dengan lebih baik. Ada apa saja? Inilah fitur-fitur terbaik di kuartal ke 3 tahun ini yang kami kembangkan khusus untuk kamu semua! 1. Introducing iSeller F&B v2 Ada kabar baikContinue reading “Top Features in 2019 Q3”

Client Highlight: Agung Sedayu Retail Indonesia

In my previous post, I already talked about how our Digital Kiosk transformed the face of retail business. Agung Sedayu Retail Indonesia (ASRI), one of the biggest retail industry in Indonesia, decided to implement our Digital Kiosk in their malls. Have you ever heard of Mall of Indonesia, Grand Galaxy Park, and PIK Avenue? ThoseContinue reading “Client Highlight: Agung Sedayu Retail Indonesia”

iSeller x Jurnal Collaborative Event: Retail Breakthrough

When we talk about business, we cant stray too much from what we call as innovation. The era keeps changing, so do businesses. The kind of conventional, traditional type of businesses will be overthrown by the ones who keep evolving. We live in a fast-changing world after all, where everything keeps being digitalized. If weContinue reading “iSeller x Jurnal Collaborative Event: Retail Breakthrough”

Client Highlight April 2019

Everyone has their own story of success, so does every successful business. Here are five of our merchants who entrust their business with iSeller. Take a look at how they successfully grow their business with us! Portal Coffee and Eatery Portal Coffee and Eatery is one of the most cozy, comfortable and instagram-able place toContinue reading “Client Highlight April 2019”

Top Features in January 2019

Everybody loves something new, right? So do we! Last year, we grew so much with so many great features that would make your selling experience smoother and easier. But, are we gonna be satisfied with them? Of course, no! We keep improving and adding new features to give you a better experience with us. SomeContinue reading “Top Features in January 2019”

Introducing Multi Currency in iSeller Online Store

Have you ever wanted to get more international customers? Having international customers will open the path to international market. But it was such a hassle getting the payment when your customers use different currency. Your customers could only pay in your country’s currency, and not everyone could do that. But no worries, because now, weContinue reading “Introducing Multi Currency in iSeller Online Store”

Gain Insights to Your Business with iSeller F&B Performance Reports

After your business is established and running well, you might be inclined to let things run as they are. However, it’s actually time to review, plan, and action again. After the crucial early stages of your business, you should regularly review your progress, identify which part of your business have run smoothly and which partContinue reading “Gain Insights to Your Business with iSeller F&B Performance Reports”

Boost Your Sales with Fully-Integrated Digital Invoice

In this fast-paced, modern generation, technology took a huge part in business environment and everything is processed rapidly and digitally. You will certainly “left behind” when you can’t follow up with these days trend. Changing your store into fully-integrated digital equipment will surely bring tremendous advantages and provide various competitive advantages for your business. AlthoughContinue reading “Boost Your Sales with Fully-Integrated Digital Invoice”