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The Future of Online Shopping is here, Live Shopping lewat TikTok Shop!

Sobat Seller, sadar gak sih kalian kalau live shopping lagi digandrungi banget? Bahkan, TikTok mencatat jumlah pesanan melalui TikTok live shopping yang meningkat sebanyak 354%.

Dengan data yang tercatat, gak heran kalau live shopping ini ke depannya akan menjadi future of online shopping. Penasaran? Yuk, kita bahas di artikel ini!

iSeller Filter Outlet: Laporan Bisnis Rapi, Owner Hepi

Organization involves creating systems and procedures for all different parts of your business, which has the potential to help you become more productive. Thus, let us help you to our Filter Outlet feature,

iSeller Earn Credit: Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Saldo Gratis!

We are excited to announce you a new way to earn extra money, for free! Try iSeller’s Earn Credit and invite your friend to join you in managing their business in ease with iSeller

iSeller Digital Kiosk v2: Teknologi Self-service, Solusi Di Tengah Pandemi

From secure transactions, to self-service, iSeller Digital Kiosk v2 allows your employees to concentrate on tasks that are essential to your operation. Learn more about iSeller Digital Kiosk v2 best features

Integrasi Marketplace, Kelola Semua Channel jadi Satu

Introducing iSeller marketplace integration! Now you can manage all your marketplace channels like Shopee, Tokopedia and Lazada in one platform. Read more to see what you can do with this integration!

iSeller eMenu: Solusi Total untuk Menghadapi Covid-19

Do you want your F&B business to be safe from Covid-19 spreading? You need to adapt your business by using contactless ordering system, which by the way, is very popular right now. Try iSeller eMenu, a total solution for your F&B business. Read more to see how this feature can help you!

Produk Makanan Kamu Punya Banyak Varian? Simak Tips Mengelolanya!

Produk varian tidak hanya bisa diaplikasikan untuk bisnis retail, namun juga bisa diaplikasika untuk bisnis F&B restoran maupun F&B express. Biasanya ini digunakan untuk 1 jenis produk yang memiliki banyak tipe dengan harga sama. Nah, supaya kamu mudah mengelolanya, kamu bisa menggunakan fitur iSeller Product Varian nih. Berbeda dengan fitur modifier dimana kamu bisa menambahkanContinue reading “Produk Makanan Kamu Punya Banyak Varian? Simak Tips Mengelolanya!”

iSeller x SiCepat: Buat Delivery Produk Kamu Makin Cepat

Good news! iSeller is now integrated with SiCepat, one of the best delivery service in Indonesia. Enjoy the benefits of the integration simply by activating it. Read more to learn!