isellerpos Archives - iSeller Blog

iSeller x TADA: Tingkatkan Kesetiaan Pelanggan Kamu!

Memiliki banyak pelanggan merupakan impian setiap pemilik bisnis. Terutama kalau pelanggan-pelanggan kamu sudah jatuh hati dan loyal membeli di toko kamu. Semakin kamu memiliki banyak pelanggan, semakin toko kamu akan memiliki penjualan yang stabil. Nah, ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kesetiaan pelanggan kamu. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan loyalty program. Loyalty program sendiri bisa bermacam-macam,Continue reading “iSeller x TADA: Tingkatkan Kesetiaan Pelanggan Kamu!”

Client Highlight Desember 2019

Tidak terasa, sekarang sudah memasuki akhir tahun 2019. Setelah berhasil menggaet beberapa client besar di kuartal 2 dan 3 tahun 2019 ini, iSeller tidak berhenti hanya sampai disana. Di kuartal terakhir ini kami juga berhasil mendapatkan kepercayaan dari banyak sekali client-client ternama, tidak hanya dalam hal penjualan toko mereka, namun juga dalam pengadaan event. SiapaContinue reading “Client Highlight Desember 2019”

End of the Year Celebration: More Events for You!

Kita sudah semakin mendekati akhir tahun 2019 nih. Akhir tahun ini kalian mau kemana? Buat yang bingung mau kemana, dibanding bengong di rumah, kita ada event-event yang menarik banget buat dikunjungi! Event-event ini juga diadakan di Jakarta, tepatnya di beberapa pusat perbelanjaan ternama besutan Agung Sedayu Retail Indonesia dan juga Duta Anggada. Yuk, kita simakContinue reading “End of the Year Celebration: More Events for You!”

iSeller x Goola Talkshow: Bisnis F&B Siap Menghadapi Industry 4.0

Dunia perindustrian di Indonesia sekarang sudah mulai memasuki Revolusi Industri ke 4 atau Industry 4.0. Revolusi industri ke 4 ini sendiri mengedepankan automasi sistem bisnis menggunakan internet untuk menciptakan sebuah sistem digital. Di era Industry 4.0 ini, alur pertukaran data, komunikasi digital dan automasi sistem bisnis menjadi poin utama dalam menjalankan bisnis. Sistem manual sekarangContinue reading “iSeller x Goola Talkshow: Bisnis F&B Siap Menghadapi Industry 4.0”

Special Offer: Free GO-SEND Shipping

It is a pleasure for me to finally announce that iSeller and GO-SEND have finally collaborate together to further support Indonesia’s small to medium enterprises. This integration enables all iSeller online store merchants to ship their products instantly with GO-SEND. This integration lets you easily sell and send your product effectively and efficiently. All youContinue reading “Special Offer: Free GO-SEND Shipping”

Increase Your Profit with iSeller Happy Hour Feature

What is Happy Hour? Happy Hours is a marketing strategy that is used by lots of businesses to offer their customers various of advantages (discounts, promotions, special food and beverages, etc.) in a specific time of the days to attract more customers. The concept of Happy Hour is most likely to happen during after-work hoursContinue reading “Increase Your Profit with iSeller Happy Hour Feature”

iSeller Admin App Is Now Available on iOS!

All iOS users, rejoice! Finally, the much anticipated iSeller Admin app for iOS is making its debut in the App Store, just a few months since we launched the Android version to the world. Powered by the company’s flagship Crosslight technology, iSeller Admin app sports beautifully-designed user interface and native experiences that comply to Apple’s latest designContinue reading “iSeller Admin App Is Now Available on iOS!”

Buy iSeller POS Online and Get Special Offers!

Today, I’m very excited to announce the grand launch of our iSeller Hardware Online Store. As business owners, you can now purchase POS hardware right from our online store, sit back and relax, and wait for your orders delivered to your door. Designed by our award-winning experience team, we’re re-imagining the hardware store experience, makingContinue reading “Buy iSeller POS Online and Get Special Offers!”

Boost Your Sales with Fully-Integrated Digital Invoice

In this fast-paced, modern generation, technology took a huge part in business environment and everything is processed rapidly and digitally. You will certainly “left behind” when you can’t follow up with these days trend. Changing your store into fully-integrated digital equipment will surely bring tremendous advantages and provide various competitive advantages for your business. AlthoughContinue reading “Boost Your Sales with Fully-Integrated Digital Invoice”