Tidak sedikit pelaku usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) yang mencoba sistem partnership untuk membantu pembangunan bisnisnya hingga meraup keuntungan yang lebih besar. Sistem kemitraan ini memang memiliki potensi yang tidak bisa dibilang kecil, terlebih jika dieksekusi dengan baik. Tertarik untuk ikut mencobanya juga? Yuk, simak ulasannya di bawah ini terlebih dahulu agar kamu bisaContinue reading “7 Strategi Menjalin Partnership Agar Bisnis Kian Sukses”
Tag Archives: Partnership
7 Strategi Menjalin Partnership Agar Bisnis Kian Sukses
Retail Breakthrough: Modernize Your Retail Business Through Digital Kiosk
Keadaan bisnis retail saat ini sedang menurun dikarenakan daya beli masyarakat yang semakin melemah, ditambah semakin populernya bisnis online. Di era digital seperti sekarang ini, masyarakat lebih suka sesuatu yang simple, mudah, dan tidak ribet. Memang, bisnis online menawarkan semua kemudahan tersebut, namun bukan berarti akan mematikan bisnis gerai retail sepenuhnya. Para pebisnis harus mengikutiContinue reading “Retail Breakthrough: Modernize Your Retail Business Through Digital Kiosk”
6 Manfaat Software Akuntansi Bagi UKM Indonesia
Tidak harus menunggu bisnis Anda besar hanya untuk mengelola keuangan. Sekecil apapun bisnis Anda, mengelola keuangan merupakan hal wajib yang harus Anda lakukan dan perhatikan. Saat ini, sebagian besar operasional manajemen keuangan dilakukan secara terkomputerisasi dan berbasis cloud storage. Sebagai pemilik dari Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) tentunya Anda dapat memperoleh manfaat dari software akuntansi tanpaContinue reading “6 Manfaat Software Akuntansi Bagi UKM Indonesia”
Introducing iSeller Integration with Jurnal!
What would happen if a full-featured POS platform integrated with a powerful accounting software? A perfect solution for your business! Good news for all business owners! Now using iSeller POS as your selling platform while posting transactions to Jurnal for further processing is now possible with the new add-on integration between iSeller and Jurnal! Thanks toContinue reading “Introducing iSeller Integration with Jurnal!”
Digital Voucher Made Easy with iSeller and Ultra Voucher
We look forward to grow Indonesia’s small business using the latest trend of technology. According to our CEO, Jimmy Petrus, we need to develop something appealing and easy-to-use. We believe that voucher payment is one that can fulfill those and give benefits to both merchants and customers. “iSeller is an online to offline business platformContinue reading “Digital Voucher Made Easy with iSeller and Ultra Voucher”
iSeller Join Forces with GO-SEND to Provide Instant Delivery Services for SMBs
JAKARTA, 13 April 2018 – Indonesia is a country with big potential for every business especially online-based business. The significant development of E-commerce sector in the year 2017 make the sector very famous for every investor in 2018. Investment Coordinating Board state that the investment rate for E-commerce sector in the year 2017 reached up toContinue reading “iSeller Join Forces with GO-SEND to Provide Instant Delivery Services for SMBs”
iSeller and Sleekr Join Forces to Automate Financial Recording Process
The number of SME business in Indonesia have increased rampantly. Business potential for SMEs in Indonesia is very promising, and will bring a great impact when supported by good business system, such as direct integration between selling and accounting system. Seeing this opportunity, iSeller join forces with Sleekr to simplify bookkeeping and bring new experiences forContinue reading “iSeller and Sleekr Join Forces to Automate Financial Recording Process”
iSeller and Permata Bank Join Forces To Boost POS Mobility
We are very excited to announce our partnership with Permata Bank, enabling business owners with Permata cards to get iSeller POS with easy 0% installment up to 24 months. The partnership is a result of our continuous commitment to deliver innovative and affordable fintech solution to more than 26 million SMEs in Indonesia, including bothContinue reading “iSeller and Permata Bank Join Forces To Boost POS Mobility”